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Как мониторить dfs replication.

Задача получать на почту письмо с ошибками репликации dfs replication

Скрипт https://thesurlyadmin.com/2012/08/03/dfs-replication-monitoring/ дописал что отправка была на почту

    Monitor your DFS Replication Backlog with a graphical history.
    Use the DFSMonitorWithHistory.ps1 script to monitor your DFS backlog.  It
    contains a graphical history chart as well as detailed information from
    each run.  I recommend running from a scheduled task every hour to get the
    best information.
    Make sure to edit the PARAM section and update it for your environment.
    Graphical history chart is a Google visualization that requires Flash to run 
    (it's the same chart you see on Google Finance).  Historical data is saved
    in an XML file.
    Array of computers to be processed.  For backwards compatibility this parameter
    will also accept a comma seperated list, i.e.: "server1,server2,server3" and
    will automatically split it into an array.  Otherwise you can use the 
    standard array syntax:  server1,server2,server3 (without quotes), or
    How much of a history do you want the script to keep.  I recommend no more then 2
    weeks, but 1 week is probably better for larger DFS implementations.
.PARAMETER DataLocation
    The full path, or UNC, to where you want the script to keep the historic
    data. Logs kept by the script will also be stored here.
.PARAMETER OutputLocation
    The full path, or UNC, to where you want the script to save the HTML files
    the script creates.  I recommend you make this the root folder for a web
    server.  For IIS, the default location would be:  \\servername\c$\inetpub\wwwroot
    This scripts uses multithreading to improve performance for gathering the
    DFS information.  You can alter the number of threads that it uses based on 
    the server you have.  In testing I found 10 to about the sweet spot for my 
    server (less or more was slower).  You should not need to modify this
    Historical data file:  $DataLocation\DFSData.XML
    Log:  $DataLocation\debugMMddyyyyHHmm.log
    Data File:  $DataLocation\DFSData.XML
    Primary HTML Page (use this):  $OutputLocation\DFSMonitorGrid.HTML
    Placeholder HTML for Detailed Reports (contains iFrame):  $OutputLocation\DFSDetailIndex.HTML
    Detailed Reports (displayed in iFrame):  $OutputLocation\DFSDetailsMMddyyyyHHmm.HTML
    Runs the script while accepting all default values.  Edit PARAM section
    of this script to match your environment.
    .\pathtoscript\DFSMonitorWithHistory.PS1 -DFSServes server1,server2 -DaysToSave 7 -DataLocation c:\scripts\dfs -OutputLocation \\webserver\c$\inetpub\wwwroot
    Runs the script using the servers server1 and server2, it will save the data for 7 days and keep
    the logs and datafile (DFSData.XML) at c:\scripts\dfs.  All of the HTML pages will be stored on 
    a server called webserver on the c: drive in \inetpub\wwwroot (the default web root directory
    on an IIS server).  It will accept the default of 10 threads.
    Author:            Martin Pugh
    Twitter:           @thesurlyadm1n
    Spiceworks:        Martin9700
    Blog:              www.thesurlyadmin.com
    Change Log:
    2.63 - Improved error reporting in primary script and in multithreaded sub-scripts.  Converted
           sub-script output to object for better data handling, and changed the "All Groups" variable
           from a string array to hashtable for better performance.  Fixed some debug messages that worked
           fine in ISE but not on command line.  Fixed bug with Alerts not showing up on the 
           DFSMonitorGrid.HTML start page.
    2.62 - Bug when using $DupeCheck to make sure script doesn't check the same group/folder pair
           more then once.  Added Cmdletbinding to support -Verbose output.  
    2.61 - Bug found by Bhopper577 where test-path was still looking for the old CSV data file.
    2.6  - Changed saving from a CSV file to an XML which will preserve date/time without having
           to convert in script.
    2.51 - Increased the # of PING's to 4 so remote server detection over WAN will be a little
           more reliable.  This required a change in the string detection so 0% loss, 25% loss and
           75% loss would all be acceptable.  I fudged on the RegEx a bit so technically 20%, 55%
           and 70% are OK too, but if you only ping 4 times you can't get those percentages!
Param (
    [array]$DFSServers = "fsr",
    [int]$DaysToSaveData = 5,
    [string]$DataLocation = "C:\1",
    [string]$OutputLocation = "C:\1",
    [int]$MaxThreads = 10

#region Functions
Function IsAvailable($Server)
{	If ($GoodServers -contains $Server)
    {	Return $true
    {	If ($BadServers -contains $Server)
        {	Return $false
        $Result = PING $Server -n 4
        Switch -regex ($Result)
        {	"\(0% loss" { $Found = "Yes"; Break }
            "\([257][50]% loss" { $Found = "Yes"; Break }
            "% loss" { $Found = "Failed to respond to PING"; Break }
            "Destination host unreachable" { $Found = "Destination host unreachable"; Break }
            "could not find host" { $Found = "Server Not Found"; Break }
            default { $Found = "Unknown Error" }
        If ($Found -eq "Yes")
        {	$Running = $true
            $Service = Get-Service dfsr -ComputerName $Server
            If ($Service.Status -ne "Running")
            {	$Service = Get-Service dfs -ComputerName $Server
                If ($Service.Status -ne "Running")
                {	$Running = $false
            If ($Running) 
            {	$global:GoodServers += $Server
                Return $true
            {	Write-Debug "$Server`: DFSr or DFS Service Not Running"
                $global:BadServers += $Server
                $global:AlertReport += "$Server`: DFSr or DFS Service Not Running"
        {	Write-Debug "$Server`: $Found"
            $global:BadServers += $Server
            $global:AlertReport += "$Server`: $Found"
$Computer = "fsr"
Function GetWMI
{	Param ([String]$WMIQuery,
    $ErrorCount = 0
    {	$WMIObject = Get-WmiObject -computerName $Computer -Namespace "root\MicrosoftDFS" -Query $WMIQuery -Debug
        If ($WMIObject -eq $null)
        {	$ErrorCount ++
        {	Return $WMIObject
    While ($ErrorCount -le 2)
    $WMIObject = "WMI Error on $Computer"
    Return $WMIObject

#Here we go!

#Setup the environment and start the log file
$DebugPreference = "Continue"

#Validate Data path exists, since this is where the log file exists we'll use Write-Host to notify.
If (-not (Test-Path $DataLocation -PathType Container))
{   Write-Host "Data Path: $DataLocation does not exist!  Stopping script." -ForegroundColor Red

#Setup the log
#[DateTime]$ScriptRunDate = (Get-Date).DateTime
#$SaveFormatDate = Get-Date $ScriptRunDate -format yyyyMMddHHmm
Start-Transcript -Path $DataLocation\debug$SaveFormatDate.log

#Validate Output/Report location exists
If (-not (Test-Path $OutputLocation -PathType Container))
{   Write-Debug "Output Path: $OutputLocation does not exist!  Stopping script."

#Set some global variables
$NewData = @()
$Global:AlertReport = @()
$Global:GoodServers = @()
$Global:BadServers = @()
$AllGroupNames = @{}
$DupeCheck = @()
$Servers = @()

#Display parameters
Write-Debug "Servers to be scanned: $DFSServers"
Write-Debug "Days to Save Data:  $DaysToSaveData"
Write-Debug "Data Path: $DataLocation"
Write-Debug "HTML Path: $OutputLocation"
Write-Debug "Maximum Threads: $MaxThreads"

Write-Debug "Loading data..."

#Parse DFSServers and make a good array
ForEach ($Item in $DFSServers)
{	If ($Item.Contains(","))
    {	$Servers += $Item.Split(",")
    {	$Servers += $Item
[DateTime]$SaveDate = (Get-Date).Date.AddDays(-$DaysToSaveData)

#Check if Data file exists, if so import it, if not create it.
If ((Test-Path $DataLocation\DFSData.xml) -eq $False)
{	$Data = @()
{	$Data = Import-Clixml $DataLocation\DFSData.xml
    If ($Data.Count -gt 0) 
    {	$Data = $Data | Where {$_.RunDate -ge $SaveDate}
    {	$Data = @()

#Start the main loop.  
ForEach ($FileServer in $Servers) 
{	Write-Debug "Now working on $FileServer..."
    $FileServer = $FileServer.ToUpper()
    If (-not (IsAvailable $FileServer))
    {	Continue
    $WMIQuery = "SELECT * FROM DfsrReplicationGroupConfig"
    $GroupGUIDs = GetWMI -WMIQuery $WMIQuery -Computer $FileServer
    If ($GroupGUIDs -like "*WMI Error*")
    {	$AlertReport += $GroupGUIDs
    $WMIQuery = "SELECT * FROM DfsrConnectionConfig WHERE InBound=True"
    $RGConnections = GetWMI -WMIQuery $WMIQuery -Computer $FileServer
    If ($RGConnections -like "*WMI Error*")
    {	$AlertReport += $RGConnections

    $WMIQuery = "SELECT * FROM DfsrReplicatedFolderConfig"
    $RGFolders = GetWMI -WMIQuery $WMIQuery -Computer $FileServer
    If ($RGFolders -like "*WMI Error*")
    {	$AlertReport += $RGFolders

    ForEach ($Group in $GroupGUIDs)
    {	#If (($AllGroupNames -match $Group.ReplicationGroupGuid).count -eq 0 -or $AllGroupNames.Count -eq 0)
        If (-not $AllGroupNames.ContainsKey($Group.ReplicationGroupGuid))
        {	#$temp = $Group.ReplicationGroupGUID + ":" + $Group.ReplicationGroupName
            #$AllGroupNames += $temp
        $GFolders = $RGFolders | Where {$_.ReplicationGroupGUID -eq $Group.ReplicationGroupGUID}
        ForEach ($Folder in $GFolders)
        {	$GConnection = $RGConnections | Where {$_.ReplicationGroupGUID -eq $Group.ReplicationGroupGUID}
            ForEach ($Connection in $GConnection)
            {	$InServer = $FileServer
                $OutServer = $Connection.PartnerName
                #Check if we've already done this
                $Found = "No"
                ForEach ($Line in $DupeCheck)
                {	If ($Line[0].ToUpper() -eq $Group.ReplicationGroupName.ToUpper() -and
                        $Line[1].ToUpper() -eq $Folder.ReplicatedFolderName.ToUpper() -and
                        $Line[2].ToUpper() -eq $InServer.ToUpper() -and
                        $Line[3].ToUpper() -eq $OutServer.ToUpper())
                    {	$Found = "Yes"
                If ($Found -eq "No")
                {	$DupeCheck += ,@($Group.ReplicationGroupName,$Folder.ReplicatedFolderName,$InServer,$OutServer)
                    $DupeCheck += ,@($Group.ReplicationGroupName,$Folder.ReplicatedFolderName,$OutServer,$InServer)
                {	Continue
                #Now check if partner server is available
                If (-not (IsAvailable $OutServer))
                {	Continue
                For ($i = 1; $i -le 2; $i++)
                {	While ($(Get-Job -state "Running").count -ge $MaxThreads)
                    {	Write-Debug "Thread count hit max of $MaxThreads, waiting for threads to finish..."
       					Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000
                    Start-Job -ArgumentList $InServer,$OutServer,$Group,$Folder.ReplicatedFolderName -ScriptBlock {
                        Param (
                        Function GetWMI
                        {	Param (
                            $ErrorCount = 0
                            While ($ErrorCount -le 2)
                            {	$WMIObject = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\MicrosoftDFS" -Query $WMIQuery -ComputerName $Computer -Debug
                                If ($WMIObject)
                                {	$Status = "Success"
                                    $ErrorDetail = ""
                                {	$ErrorCount ++
                                    $Status = "Error"
                                    $ErrorDetail = $Error[0]
                            New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                                Status = $Status
                                Object = $WMIObject
                                Error = $ErrorDetail
                        $ErrorCount = 0
                        $BacklogConnCount = 0
                        $ErrorDetail = ""
                        $WMIQuery = "SELECT * FROM DfsrReplicatedFolderConfig WHERE ReplicationGroupGUID = '" + $Group.ReplicationGroupGUID + "' AND ReplicatedFolderName = '" + $ReplicationFolder + "'"
                        $WMIObject = GetWMI -WMIQuery $WMIQuery -Computer $InServer
                        If ($WMIObject.Status -eq "Error")
                        {	$Status = "Error"
                            $BacklogFiles = "WMI Error"
                            $ErrorReport = "WMI Error on $InServer"
                            $ErrorDetail = $WMIObject.Error
                        ElseIf ($WMIObject.Object.Enabled)
                        {	$WMIQuery = "SELECT * FROM DfsrReplicatedFolderConfig WHERE ReplicationGroupGUID = '" + $Group.ReplicationGroupGUID + "' AND ReplicatedFolderName = '" + $ReplicationFolder + "'"
                            $WMIObject = GetWMI -WMIQuery $WMIQuery -Computer $OutServer
                            If ($WMIObject.Status -eq "Error")
                            {	$Status = "Error"
                                $BacklogFiles = "WMI Error"
                                $ErrorReport = "WMI Error on $OutServer"
                                $ErrorDetail = $WMIObject.Error
                            ElseIf ($WMIObject.Object.Enabled)
                            {	#Get the version vector of the partner
                                $WMIQuery = "SELECT * FROM DfsrReplicatedFolderInfo WHERE ReplicationGroupGUID = '" + $Group.ReplicationGroupGUID + "' AND ReplicatedFolderName = '" + $ReplicationFolder + "'"
                                $WMIObject = GetWMI -WMIQuery $WMIQuery -Computer $OutServer
                                If ($WMIObject.Status -eq "Error")
                                {	$Status = "Error"
                                    $BacklogFiles = "WMI Error"
                                    $ErrorReport = "WMI Error occurred on $OutServer"
                                    $ErrorDetail = $WMIObject.Error
                                {   $Vv = $WMIObject.Object.GetVersionVector().VersionVector
                                    #Get the backlog count from the partner
                                    $WMIQuery = "SELECT * FROM DfsrReplicatedFolderInfo WHERE ReplicationGroupGUID = '" + $Group.ReplicationGroupGUID + "' AND ReplicatedFolderName = '" + $ReplicationFolder + "'"
                                    $WMIObject = GetWMI -WMIQuery $WMIQuery -Computer $InServer
                                    If ($WMIObject.Status -eq "Error")
                                    {	$Status = "WMI Error"
                                        $BacklogFiles = "WMI Error"
                                        $ErrorReport = "WMI Error occurred on $OutServer"
                                        $ErrorDetail = $WMIObject.Error
                                    {   $BacklogConnCount = $WMIObject.Object.GetOutboundBacklogFileCount($Vv).BacklogFileCount
                                        $arrFiles = $WMIObject.Object.GetOutboundBacklogFileIDRecords($Vv).BacklogIdRecords
                                        If ($BacklogConnCount -eq 0)
                                        {	$Files = "&nbsp;"
                                        {	$Files = ""
                                            ForEach ($FileLine in $arrFiles) 
                                            {	$Files += $FileLine.FileName + "<br>"
                                        $Status = "Success"
                                        $BacklogFiles = $Files
                                        $ErrorReport = ""
                            {	$Status = "Disabled"
                                $BacklogFiles = "Disabled"
                                $ErrorReport = "Folder $($Group.ReplicationGroupName)/$ReplicationFolder disabled on $OutServer"
                        {	$Status = "Disabled"
                            $BacklogFiles = "Disabled"
                            $ErrorReport = "Folder $($Group.ReplicationGroupName)/$ReplicationFolder disabled on $InServer"
                        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                            Status = $Status
                            BacklogFiles = $BacklogFiles
                            ErrorReport = $ErrorReport
                            ErrorDetail = $ErrorDetail
                            GroupObject = $Group.ReplicationGroupGUID
                            Folder = $ReplicationFolder
                            InServer = $InServer
                            OutServer = $OutServer
                            BacklogCount = $BacklogConnCount
                    } | Out-Null
                    $InServer = $Connection.PartnerName
                    $OutServer = $FileServer

#Wait for all the jobs to finish
While (@(Get-Job -State "Running").count -gt 0)
{	Write-Debug "All threads submitted, waiting for them to finish..."
    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000

#Now read the job data into data
Write-Debug "All threads completed.  Threads run: $(@(Get-Job).Count)"
$Output = @()
ForEach ($Job in Get-Job)
{	$ErrorCount = 0
    {	Write-Debug "Receiving job number: $($Job.Id)"
        $Result = Receive-Job $Job
        If ($Result -eq $null)
        {	$ErrorCount ++
            If ($ErrorCount -eq 4)
            {	Write-Debug "Unable to retrieve job: $($Job.id)"
                $Result = "Fail"
            {	Write-Debug "Problem retrieving job: $($Job.id), Retry: $ErrorCount"
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
        {	$ErrorCount = 4
    } While ($ErrorCount -lt 4)
    If ($Result -eq "Fail")
    {	Remove-Job $Job
    #$GroupName = ($AllGroupNames | Where {$_ -match $Result.Group}).Split(":")
    $NewData += ,@($AllGroupNames[$Result.GroupObject],$Result.Folder,$Result.InServer,$Result.OutServer,$Result.BacklogCount,$Result.BacklogFiles)
    $Output += New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{
        GroupName = $AllGroupNames[$Result.GroupObject]
        GroupGUID = $Result.GroupObject
        Folder = $Result.Folder
        InServer = $Result.InServer
        OutServer = $Result.OutServer
        Backlog = $Result.BacklogCount
        BackLogFiles = $Result.BacklogFiles
    If ($Result.Status -ne "Success")
    {	If ($AlertReport -notcontains $Result.ErrorReport)
        {	$AlertReport += $Result.ErrorReport
            Write-Debug $Result.ErrorDetail
    Remove-Job $Job

#Now add the new data
ForEach ($GroupName in $AllGroupNames.Values)
{	#$GroupName = ($Group.Split(":"))[1]
    $UniqueReplFolders = $Output | Where {$_.GroupName -eq $GroupName} | Select Folder -Unique
    ForEach ($Folder in $UniqueReplFolders)
    {	$BacklogCount = ($Output | Where {$_.GroupName -eq $GroupName -and $_.Folder -eq $Folder.Folder} | Measure-Object Backlog -sum).Sum
        $NewRGName = $Folder.Folder + ":" + $GroupName
        #$Data += New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{
        #	RFName = $Folder.Folder
        #	RGGUID = $NewRGName
        #	BacklogCount = $BacklogCount
        #	RunDate = $ScriptRunDate

If ($Data -eq $Null)
{	#Something went horribly wrong!
    Write-Debug "No data found!"
{	#Delete oldest detail and debug files
    Get-ChildItem $OutputLocation\dfsdetails*.html | Where {$_.CreationTime -lt $SaveDate} | Remove-Item
    Get-ChildItem $DataLocation\debug*.log | Where {$_.CreationTime -lt $SaveDate} | Remove-Item
    ## Now build the detailed DFS monitor page
    Write-Debug "--Creating detailed monitoring page..."
    $html = @()
    $html = "<html><head>`n"
    $html += "<style type='text/css'>`n"
    $html += "table, th, td { border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;}`n"
    $html += "table { width:95%;}`n"
    $html += "th { background-color:#000080;color:#FFFFFF;font:bold 18px arial,sans-serif;}`n"
    $html += "tr.d0 {background-color:#4682b4;color:black;font:15px arial,sans-serif;}`n"
    $html += "tr.d1 {background-color:#B0C4DE;color:black;font:15px arial,sans-serif;}`n"
    $html += "</style></head><body>`n"
    $html += "<div style=""width:95%;text-align:right;"">Report Date: $ScriptRunDate</div><br>"
    If ($AlertReport)
    {	$html += "<B>Alerts:</B><br>`n"
        ForEach ($Line in $AlertReport)
        {	$html += "<img src=""error_event.png"">" + $Line + "<br>`n"
    $html += "<table border=""1"">`n"
    $html += "<th>Replication Group</th><th>Replication Folder</th><th>Sending Partner</th><th>Receiving Partner</th><th>Backlog</th><th>Files</th>`n"
    $TRDomain = "d1"
    $NewData = $NewData | Sort
    ForEach ($Line in $NewData)
    {	If ($TRDomain -eq "d1")
        {$TRDomain = "d0"
        {	$TRDomain = "d1"
        $html += "<tr class=""$TRdomain"">"
        $html += "<td>" + $Line[0] + "</td>"
        $html += "<td>" + $Line[1] + "</td>"
        $html += "<td>" + $Line[2] + "</td>"
        $html += "<td>" + $Line[3] + "</td>"
        If ($Line[4] -eq 0)
        {	$html += "<td>0</td>"
        {	$html += "<td style=""background-color:red"">" + $Line[4] + "</td>"
        If ($Line[5] -like "*Disabled*" -or $Line[5] -like "*WMI Error*")
        {	$html += "<td style=""background-color:red"">" + $Line[5] + "</td>"
        {	$html += "<td>" + $Line[5] + "</td>"
        $html += "</tr>`n"
    $html += "</table></body></html>"
    $html | Out-File $OutputLocation\DFSDetails$SaveFormatDate.html
    # Now create the detail launch page
    $html = @()
    $html = "<html>`n"
    $html += "<head><title>DFS Replication Details</title>`n"
    $html += "<script type=""text/javascript"">`n"
    $html += "function open_win() `n"
 	$html += "{	var myEle=document.getElementById('gopage');`n"
    $html += "	var myiFrame=document.getElementById('iframe');`n"
    $html += "	var myPage=myEle.options[myEle.selectedIndex].value;`n"
    $html += "	if (myPage != '') `n"
    $html += "	{	myiFrame.src=myPage;`n"
    $html += "	}`n"
    $html += "}`n"
    $html += "</script></head>`n"
    $html += "<body>`n"
    $html += "<iframe id=""iframe"" width=""95%"" height=""95%"" src=""DFSDetails$SaveFormatDate.html""></iframe>`n"
    $html += "<br>Show Report from: &nbsp;<select id=""gopage"" onChange=""open_win()"">`n"
    $html += "	<option value="""" selected></option>`n"
    $Files = Get-ChildItem $OutputLocation\dfsdetails*.html | Sort CreationTime -Descending
    #ForEach ($File in $Files)
    #{	$FileName = $File.Name.Substring(14,2) + "/" + $File.Name.Substring(16,2) + "/" + $File.Name.Substring(10,4) + " " + $File.Name.Substring(18,2) + ":" + $File.Name.Substring(20,2)
    #	$html += "	<option value=""" + $File.Name + """>" + $FileName +"</option>`n"
    $html += "</select></body></html>`n"
    $html | Out-File $OutputLocation\DFSDetailIndex.html
    ##  Now create the Google visualization
    Write-Debug "--Now for the Annotated Timeline..."
    $html = "<html>`n"
    $html += "<head>`n"
    $html += "<script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.google.com/jsapi'></script>`n"
    $html += "<script type='text/javascript'>`n"
    $html += "google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['annotatedtimeline']});`n"
    $html += "google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);`n"
    $html += "function drawChart() {`n"
    $html += "var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();`n"
    $html += "data.addColumn('datetime', 'Date');`n"
    #Define the columns
    $UniqueReplGroups = $Data | Select RGGUID -Unique | Sort -Property RGGUID
    $UniqueReplGroups = $UniqueReplGroups | Where {$_.RFName -ne ""}
    ForEach ($Group in $UniqueReplGroups)
    {	$Data | Where {$_.RGGUID -eq $Group.RGGUID} | Select RFName -First 1 | ForEach {
            $html += "data.addColumn('number', '" + $_.RFName + "');`n"
            $html += "data.addColumn('string', '" + $_.RFName + "Status');`n"
            $html += "data.addColumn('string', '" + $_.RFName + "ErrorMsg');`n"
    $html += "data.addRows([`n"
    $UniqueRunDates = $Data | Select RunDate -Unique | Sort -Property RunDate
    $rec = 0
    ForEach ($distDate in $UniqueRunDates)
    {	$NewLine = "[new Date(" + $distDate.RunDate.Year + "," + (($distDate.RunDate.Month) - 1) + "," + $distDate.RunDate.Day + "," + $distDate.RunDate.Hour + "," + $distDate.RunDate.Minute + "," + $distDate.RunDate.Second + ")"
        $DatabyRunDate = $Data | Where {$_.RunDate -eq $distDate.RunDate}
        ForEach ($Group in $UniqueReplGroups)
        {	$Line = $DatabyRunDate | Where {$_.RGGUID -eq $Group.RGGUID}
            If ($Line.RFName)
            {	$NewLine += ", " + $Line.BacklogCount + ",undefined, undefined"
            {	$NewLine += ", 0,undefined, undefined"
        If ($rec -ge ($UniqueRunDates.Count - 1)) 
        {	$html += $NewLine + "]`n"
        {	$html += $NewLine + "],`n"
            $rec ++
    $html += "]);`n"
    $html += "var chart = new google.visualization.AnnotatedTimeLine(document.getElementById('chart_div'));`n"
    $html += "chart.draw(data, {displayAnnotations: false, legendPosition: 'newRow'});`n"
    $html += "}`n"
    $html += "</script></head>`n"
    $html += "<META HTTP-EQUIV=""REFRESH"" CONTENT=""1800"">`n"
    $html += "<body>`n"
    If ($AlertReport)
    {	$html += "<B>Alerts:</B><br>`n"
        ForEach ($Line in $AlertReport)
        {	$html += "<img src=""error_event.png"">" + $Line + "<br>`n"
    $html += "<div id=""chart_div"" style=""height: 400px;width:95%;""></div>`n"
    $html += "<a href=""DFSDetailIndex.html"" target=""_blank"">Details from last run ($ScriptRunDate)</a>`n"
    $html += "</body></html>"
    $html | Out-File $OutputLocation\DFSMonitorGrid.html

#And Save the data
Write-Debug "--Saving the data..."
$Data = $Data | Where {$_.RFName -ne ""}
$Data | Export-Clixml $DataLocation\DFSData.xml

$emailrecipients = "dmins@adminbd.ru";
$emailbody = Get-Content "C:\1\DFSDetails.html" -Raw

Send-MailMessage -to $emailrecipients -smtpserver tech.adminbd.ru -from "dfs@tech.adminbd.ru" -subject "DFSR Report for $(get-date -format MMM/dd/yyyy) from $env:COMPUTERNAME" -BodyAsHtml $emailbody ;

#All done!
Write-Debug "Done!"

Как мониторить dfs replication.


На будущее. Поиск все серверов со службой dfs replication и добавить в скрипт что бы был поиск по всем серверам.

$dnProperties = Get-ADObject -Filter {objectClass -eq "msDFSR-LocalSettings"} -SearchBase "OU=Servers,DC=adminbd,DC=ru" -SearchScope Subtree -Properties DistinguishedName |
    Select-Object -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName |
    ForEach-Object {
        $dnParts = $_ -split ","
        $dnProperties = @{}

        foreach ($part in $dnParts) {
            $key, $value = $part -split "=", 2
            $dnProperties[$key.Trim()] = $value.Trim()


$ComputerName = $dnProperties.CN


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